Wow 2022 has been so amazing already and we have so much to look forward to. In the last couple months we found out we were expecting our second child and since then it has been a whirlwind of excitement. Our 5 year old daughter has been asking for a sibling for as long as I can remember and to tell you the truth its one of the reasons we decided to try again. She’s been so excited to have a lifelong friend, to help mommy with the baby and to do a gender reveal.
The funny part is we didn’t even know she knew what a gender reveal even was, but she did and she had so many ideas in mind. Talking over the ideas she had in mind as a family we decided to keep ours low key and do it just the three of us. Even though we did recruit my mom to help because for our idea we needed an additional person so that us 3 could be surprised together.
We decided to do a paint blind fold surprise.

Paint Blind Fold Surprise
This is a super easy idea and can be very intimate. All you need is your surprise envelope with the baby gender, some blue and pink paint, a paper plate, blind folds, a white shirt for mom and an additional person to help. We did add some decorations as a backdrop since we shoot a video to share the gender reveal with our family & friends, online and/or text.
While we put on our blind fold my mom opened the envelope and quietly added the paint on the paper plate and dipped our daughter hands into it. She then directed my daughter to my belly and my daughter placed her hands on my belly. On the count of 3 we all took our blind folds off and saw PINK! So yes, we are having a girl. This was such a special moment for us and I know my husband and I will remember it for the rest of our lives. Below I will share some photos of our set up and the items we purchased for the gender reveal.

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If this is the gender reveal idea you’ve been looking for that’s awesome and I hope you finding this blog was helpful but if you still can’t decided I’ve included a some other great ideas below. These can be done in a party style, more intimate and go from a super easy set up to a bit more work!