Getting in the car with a toddler just going to the supermarket can be a mission let alone a long road trip to vacation!!! But I’ve a fun way to bring lots of activities, snacks, baby changing essentials and more in one place and stay organized with a diaper caddy!!
The girls but this between their seats and have it easily accessible through out the car ride!

They both really like these interactive toys I’ve been able to find on Amazon! Plus I’ll add new coloring books, sticker books and new surprises or switch items out so they won’t get bored of the items.

Shop Toys

Here’s a video of how everything is packed and organized at the end! PS makes for a great organizer under the stroller for DISNEY PARKS TOO!
It made it easy to grab things on the go and put them back where everyone could find easily.

Have you used a diaper caddy before to stay organized? If so, where have you taken it and what have you put in it??