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Dressing your bump the 1st trimester can be hard. Soon after finding out you probably haven’t started showing yet and most of us try to hide the bump till 12 weeks. If you’re like me and don’t mind sharing before then, I have some great tips to dress up your adorable little growing bump. The first couple weeks can be difficult as you’re in between sizes. You’ve just started to get a small bump and can’t fit in your pre-pregnancy clothes. For me I can’t stand jeans during this time, so ver towards loose clothings. Leggings, shorts, dresses etc. On this blog post I’ll go over from must have items to have in your close to where you can shop!
4-8 Weeks
No matter if you’ve shared the news with your family or friends here are some looks that worked for me. Baby doll dresses can be great during this time because they are tight around your chest and loose in the stomach area. This can be comfortable and also easy to hide your little bump. Also, leggings and loose sweater or t-shirts work great too, as well as ruffle skirts over bodysuits, jumpsuits and any non body fitting dress! During this time you probably are to small to fit into maternity wear so its best if you order items that you’d usually wear but one size up. I used to be small, during the second month of my pregnancy I sized up to a medium and found this was a perfect fit. Usually these items you can also wear into your 3rd month so you don’t have to shop again in a few weeks.
During this time here are some of my favorite online boutiques I shop at:
Maternity Outfit Ideas (4-8 Weeks)

Shop This Look

Shop This Look

Shop This Look

Shop This Look

8-12 Weeks
So now you’re almost 3 months and your baby bump probably has made its debut, even more if this isn’t your first child. With me during this pregnancy since it was my second I started showing right around 6-7 weeks. At that point there was no way of hiding it! If you’ve announced your pregnancy now you can start dressing your bump and showing it off. You can probably start to dip into the maternity clothes, at least in pants for sure! Again, I hate anything tight around my belly so I tend to stay away in pants unless its leggings or shorts. I have been able to find the comfiest maternity shorts and leggings on amazon though, they are well priced and fit tts!
For me living in FL having swimsuits all year round is a must but depending on when you’re reading this blog or where you live maybe you don’t need them as much. I will share however some of my favorites from amazon non maternity and some of the prettiest styles that are maternity swimwear.
During this month I found I shopped mostly at:
Pink Blush Maternity (use code ildahobert for 25% off entire site)
Maternity Outfit Ideas (8-12 Weeks)

Shop This Look

Shop This Look
(use ILDAHOBERT for 25% off any of the dresses below)

Shop Swimwear

Shop This Look

Hope this blog post on dressing the bump on your first trimester was helpful and inspirational. If you have any question on specific looks or sizing make sure to ask in the comments. Stay tuned in the next couple weeks for ideas on how to dress the bump on your 2nd trimester. Until then, go relax and enjoy your pregnancy!