Disclosure: This blog post has been compensated by Bealls Outlet but all opinions are mine alone.
Where did summer go? I can’t believe school season is just around the corner and this year Emma will attend PreK3 and SCHOOL for the first time! We are so excited for her to be on her own, make friends, learn and begin a new chapter as a family. As always, our local Bealls Outlet did not let us down with everything we needed to prepare for back to school season. From starting potty training to getting supplies and clothes for back to school at AWESOME PRICES!!

We recently stopped by to look for Emmas backpack, lunchbox and some back to school clothes. We picked some fun weekend outfits since Emma will be required to wear a uniform to school everyday. Our local Bealls Outlet had a wall full of backpacks and Emma was in awe, picking only the ones that were bigger than her in size, at first. Until she settled for her blue cat backpack and unicorn lunchbox. Oh and lets talk about the prices, backpack $6.99 and Limited Too lunchbox $5.99, like thats a STEAL! & yes, I let her pick them herself.

I feel like she was just born yesterday. Time goes by so fast and even faster after you have kids, but times like this I’ll never forget. In two weeks time she will start school, be on her own without me 3 full days. I’M SO EXCITED FOR HER but I will never forget the feeling of my baby growing into a little girl. I want to make sure thats she’s ready and has everything she needs and Bealls Outlet has helped me do that.

This is a new chapter for us and recently we accomplished potty training too, which is a must if your child is going to preschool. Potty training can seem hard but I’m going to share some suggestions/tips that worked for us that you all shared with me too. Potty training has to be a fun experience for them in my opinion and that’s why the Potty Treasure Box works so well.
The “Potty Treasure Box” is a box with goodies to reward your child with after they go potty in the toilet. What we did was we used an old delivery box, decorated the outside and headed to Bealls Outlet to find small toys to fill it with. Bealls Outllet has great package toys under $5 that could be split up into multiple rewards. We grabbed so many, I let Emma pick these too so she knew what she had to look forward to.
Since I’ve received so many DM’s about our potty training and what worked for us I’m sharing our tips below!
Helpful Potty Training Tips
- make sure they are ready (I knew this once Emma started screaming “I WENT PEE/POOP” after going), depends on kid 🙂
- gradually take diaper away, limit liquid
- make it fun
- put together a potty treasure box & reward for every potty (go back to Bealls Outlet when you run out of toys and trust me you’ll run out fast!)
- let them pick their own undies
- skip a portable potty & train on potty topper
- stay home 2/3 days
- there will be accidents, part of the process

Emma absolutely loved the Potty Treasure Box! After every pee/poop she’d run to the box screaming “potty treasure now!” and we’d let her pick one. We used it for about a month and once we realized she had mastered potty training I slowly took it away. We now celebrate that she’s a big girl going to school in two weeks because of her accomplishment with a dance around the bathroom! Another fun idea to help with potty training is to let them pick their own undies, Emma loved picking her own underwear at Bealls Outlet and is still so excited to pick them out daily to wear.

Parents, if you still need to get your back to school shopping done make sure to stop by your local BEALLS OUTLET for some awesome finds at unbelievable prices! Check out all these other goodies we took home like this pink flamingo set for $6.99, denim shorts & Happy Tee $4.99 each and the pink striped dress for $5.99.
