Anyone else needs to sit down and plan their weekly family meals?? I do otherwise I will buy everything I see in front of me at the grocery store and won’t stay on budget! Usually I just write it down on a scratch piece of paper but recently I’ve found if I take an extra 10 minutes and plan the week, day by day, meal by meal its works out better.
The other day I decided to make my own and have it available to print weekly and plan our meals so I wanted to share it with you guys of course. I put together 2 separate ones. One is more detailed with 4 meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1 snack option and the other is just a weekly grocery shopping list. Both of them have space on the side to write down the grocery list too. Depending on how the week is looking or if Emma is home or has days off from school, I pick which one to use.
I’ve always been organized so something like this planner helps me stay on track and also stay away from eating out too much. Sunday is usually the day I put it together and try to go shopping for the week.
Below I am adding both of the weekly meal planner and weekly shopping list. All you have to do is submit your email address to subscribe to my blog and you will get an email immediately with the PDF files! Hope you guys find it helpful because it sure is for our family!
