How I edit my photos

Another question that I get a lot and when I took a poll almost 75% of you wanted to know how I edit my photos. I’m sorry its taken me so long but with a cracked rib and preparing for my sisters bacheloreette festivities this past weekend, I had to put it on hold. I…

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Cross Cultural Relationships: Why ours works

The History/Background Story  Today I’m writing about something very close to me, my relationship with my husband and how our cross cultural relationship and marriage has always worked. Cross cultural relationship is when people from two different cultures/countries become a couple. This has to be the most asked question/comment on my direct messages on Instagram,…

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Exploring Panama City, Panama

IN 3 DAYS / 4 NIGHTS This is officially my first post for 2018! Hooray! & I am starting it off with my favorite topic… TRAVEL! This past weekend we flew to Panama City, Panama for our close friends’ wedding! We had never been to Panama and were so excited to see what the city…

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Norwegian Escape: After Babymoon

Happy November! I can’t believe Octobers gone already and Christmas is just around the corner. For todays’ blog, I am writing about our past summer/after baby-moon cruise on the Norwegian Escape exploring the Western Caribbean. We have always cruised and have done numerous cruise lines and destinations. Our honeymoon was spent on the Norwegian Epic,…

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